Cookies Policy
The website uses cookie technology or other similar technology that is similar to cookies on our website to provide visitors with a better experience of visiting the website and help us develop a website system that can better meet the needs of visitors.
- Website visitors are people who open a website page or read the information on a website page, regardless of the page.
- The Website system is functioning of
What are cookies?
A cookie is a small text file that is stored on a website visitor’s computer when they visit a website and each time a website visitor accesses any page of a website. The information in a cookie is sent back to the website system to process or be forwarded to other websites that support that cookie.
Cookies are useful to help websites remember their devices so that they can provide a more personalized service to visitors.
Cookies can perform a variety of tasks, such as helping visitors to the Website with a better experience on each device, remembering what they like, and improving the experience of visitors to the Website.
Additionally, cookies used by can be classified into the following categories:
Cookies needed to use the Website
This type of cookie is important to enable visitors to use the Web sites and functions available on our Web sites, as well as to provide them with secure access to information and access to the Web sites. Without this type of cookie, the website will not function normally, including for website visitors. Some services on the website will not be available.
Cookies used to store usage data
This type of cookie is part of a cookie that is needed to use a website to remember visitors and settings on the website based on their user preferences. This kind of cookie is used to facilitate the next time visitors return to the site, such as remembering their user name and customizing the settings to suit the website visitor’s usage.
Cookies used for online marketing
This type of cookie is used to store website usage data and links that visitors to the Website have accessed or visited in order to understand their interests and browsing habits and to provide you with the best advertising and public relations benefits for their visitors.
Settings and disabling of cookies
Visitors may choose to refuse the cookie functionality to their own preferences by allowing them to set web browsers or privacy values for visitors by denying the use of all cookies, but some functions are not available to visitors on the Website and may prevent your use of the Website as efficiently as possible.
In addition to the privacy settings on the device or the web browser directly, visitors to the website can also refuse cookies through the notification window on the website pages, but if a site visitor denies the use of all cookies, they cannot use certain functions on the website; and may result in the poor website experience.
Website Terms of Use
By using the Website visitors of the Website acknowledge that the Website uses various types of cookies for the purposes set forth above, and the Website system may collect, use, or disclose personal information about Website visitors as part of such cookies. For the purposes set out in the Website Privacy Policy Statement.
If the Web site contains links to third-party websites, please note that they may have their own cookie policy. We recommend that all visitors read the third party’s cookie usage policy before using those sites.
Contact and our Privacy Policy Officer
Suppose you have any suggestions or would like to ask for information on the details of your collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information, including your request for rights under this Policy. In that case, you may contact the following channels: